Eddie Ojeda Bullseye-Twisted Sister Miniature Guitar Replica Collectible

Eddie Ojeda Bullseye-Twisted Sister Miniature Guitar Replica Collectible
We are proud to be the official merchandiser for the Bullseye-Twisted Sister Signature model and other Eddie Ojeda miniature guitar replicas. Official Eddie Ojeda miniature guitar replicas by Axe Heaven are available exclusively through this site. Through our Axe Heaven Exclusives partnership with Eddie, the only way to purchase this Signature Model Bullseye-Twisted Sister miniature guitar is to click the "BUY BULLSEYE MINI GUITAR NOW" button below:
Twisted Sister's Official Facebook Page (opens in new window) |
Eddie Ojeda's Official Online Store (opens in new window) |
Axe Heaven Miniature Replica Guitars Make Great Gifts!
This collectible miniature guitar replica was hand-crafted in honor of the legendary Twisted Sister guitarist Eddie Ojeda. Eddie is well known for his unique guitars and the “Eddie Ojeda Signature” model by Wayne Guitars is a perfect example of that. This handcrafted 10" miniature replica is a must have collectible! Stand included.
Axe Heaven Miniature Replica Guitars Look Great but are Not Playable
Click the "BUY BULLSEYE MINI GUITAR NOW" button above to purchase an Eddie Ojeda Bullseye-Twisted Sister Miniature Guitar Replica by AXE HEAVEN®.